* We present this schedule to give parents every opportunity to plan out for the season. Please know we may need to adjust this schedule at the last minute at times due to changes in the City Championship schedule, all star dates and unforeseen circumstances (mostly inclement weather) and regret any inconveniences this may cause.
Dec 5, 2024 - Spring Registration opens
Players MUST attend one of the two evaluation days to be considered for Majors baseball or Majors softball. Tryouts are not needed for all other levels of play.
Feb 19 - Majors registration closes
Remember, you only need to attend one of the two tryout sessions.
Location (both dates):
ACAC Adventure Central “Arena”
210 Four Seasons Dr.
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Tryout Option 1 - Friday, 2/21:
6:30-7:00pm: Player registration and open warm-up
7:00~8:30pm: Assessments (ending time contingent on player turnout)
Tryout Option 2 - Sunday 2/23:
5:30-6:00pm: Player registration and open warm-up
6:00~7:30pm: Assessments (ending time contingent on player turnout)
Assessments will consist of fielding 5x grounders, 5x fly balls, batting 5x pitches and timed 60ft run. Players who wish to do so will have the option to throw 5x pitches from the mound.
Feb 25 - Majors draft (Baseball and Softball)
Mar 1 - Softball Clinic at Azalea Park (Tee Ball 10:00-10:45, Coach Pitch 11:00-12:00)
Mar 3 - Baseball Upper Minors and Coach Pitch registration closes; Softball Upper Minors registration closes
Feb 28- Mar 3 - Dick's Sporting Goods Appreciation Day (any equipment bought in the store during those days will be 20% off)
Mar 8 - Softball Clinic at Azalea Park (Tee Ball 10:00-10:45, Coach Pitch 11:00-12:00)
Mar 8 - Baseball Tee ball registration closes; Softball Coach Pitch and Tee Ball registration closes
Mar 9 - Majors practices can begin
Mar 9 - Upper Minors practices can begin
Mar 16 - Coach Pitch and Tee Ball (both baseball and softball) begin practice
Mar 24 - Majors and Minors games begin
Apr 12 - Opening Day (Coach Pitch and Tee Ball games start)
Apr 12 - All-Star applications open
May 9 - All-Star decision meeting- 8-10 and 10-12 age teams. 9-11 team pending sufficient number of players.
May 14 - All-Star team announcement and practices can begin
May 24 - Majors season ends
TBD - Majors League Championship game if needed
May 31 - All non-majors divisions season ends
June 7-9 City Championship (Baseball only) at Geer Field, Pen Park, hosted by Central Little League
June TBD - District All Star Tournament begins (we will formally update this page when the District announces its tournament dates)
2024 Central Fall Baseball / Softball Schedule
Baseball Schedule for Fall 2024:
July 1 - Fall Registration opens
August 24 - Fall Baseball Registration closes
August 31 - Mandatory Manager's meeting to get equipment, schedules, and rosters
September 1 - Coaches contact players and families
September 2 - Fall practices may begin
September 7 - 1st games of Fall season
October 26 - Last games of Fall season
October 27 - Coaches turn in equipment and winter storage day
Softball Schedule for Fall 2024:
July 1 - Fall Registration opens
August 24 - Softball Skills Clinics at Azalea Park (9-9:45am Tee Ball, 10-11am Coach Pitch, 11:15-12:30pm Minors and Majors)
August 31 - Softball Skills Clinics at Azalea Park (9-9:45am Tee Ball, 10-11am Coach Pitch, 11:15-12:30pm Minors and Majors)
September 1 - Fall Softball Registration closes
September 2 (Week of) - Coaches contact players and families
September 2 (Week of) - Major and Upper Minors Kid Pitch practices begin
September 7 - 1st Game/Scrimmage for Majors and UM Kid Pitch Divisions
September 7 - Tee Ball and Coach Pitch Practices Begin
September 14 - 1st Game for Tee Ball and Coach Pitch Divisions
November 3 - Last games of Fall season
November 4 - Coaches turn in equipment and winter storage day