The league provides a visor and a uniform shirt, but do not provide pants and socks. Players will need to provide their own solid black pants (not shorts) and black socks for games.
Required Equipment:
-Fielding glove
-Batting Helmet *
with a facemask*
-Defensive Facemask
-Cleats (Does not need to be softball cleats. No metal spikes)
Recommended Equipment:
-Bat See tips for choosing a bat below)
Need help with equipment? Central Little League has team equipment that can be borrowed for the season. Your coach should have some spare team equipment. If you want to buy new equipment, we recommend taking advantage of our Dicks Sporting Goods days at the beginning of the season; it can be used for anything in the store for 20% off. If you are in the market for gently used equipment, try our other great sponsor, Play it Again Sports.
Tips for Choosing a Bat:
- You can try one of the leagues bats to get a feel for size before buying but if/when buying err on the side of shorter and lighter
-Check out the sizing guide from Dick's Sporting Goods (Look out for Central Little League's 20% discount weekend at Dick's in the fall and spring)
- Little League Rules limit size to a max Length of 33" and a max diameter 2 1/4". Little League requires softball bats to have a USSSA stamp/logo and have a BPF (bat performance factor) of 1.20. Most new bats on the market will meet this requirement and most have met this requirement for several years. See logo below.